When a judgment enforcement agency reaches out to garnish an individuals wages in Arizona, it is a court order to the employer with summons to withhold wages. If the employer refuses to do so, it is the employer that is held responsible and the court may enter judgment against them! An employer has to file an answer of the employee are they employed, do they owe wages, are their any other levy’s? If the employers does not file an answer, the employer or garnishee they will be in contempt to court. Then it is Harris & MacNeil’s job to go after the employer.
Reasons why an employer wont answer a debt collector.
There really has never been a solid answer as to why an employer refuse to answer the judgment. The only reason we can come up with is that they are trying to protect their employee or they do not fully understand that they are responsible for giving us an answer or withholding that employees wages!
What can happen to the employer (garnishee – to withhold wages.)
Now that the garnishee has not followed through with their task they become the defendant and are now in contempt to court. In addition, they take on the full amount of the judgment that needs to be collected because of failure to withhold!
If you are an employer you has received a judgment, don’t wait, move forward with the proper steps and get this taken care of! For guidance on handling a judgment given to you in Arizona about withholding wages contact Harris and Macneil TODAY!