One of the ways that Harris & MacNeil collects unsatisfied judgments is implementing a property lien on the debtors property. A property lien is a public notice attached to your property letting anyone who wants to know that you owe a creditor, Harris & MacNeil, money. Liens are very common ways for debt collectors in Arizona to collect what they are owed.
An Arizona property lien can affect you in the future from sales or refinancing decisions. If you want to sell or refinance your Arizona property you need to have a clear title. The only way to clear your title is to pay the lien. As Arizona debt collectors, we know that putting a lien on a debtors property the cheap and easy way to collect what they owe.
If you have a unsatisfied judgment in Arizona, and need a debt collection agency to get the ball rolling, Harri & MacNeil are the debt collectors that you want to hire!
You can reach us at 480-314-0616 and by fax at 480-314-9240 or 623-399-9881. We are looking forward to hearing from you. You can also contact by e-mail address: